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Pitt Disability Community

Pitt professionals with disabilities have come together and formed a new Pitt staff and employee resource group - the Pitt Disability Community. The group hopes to influence out and to build community within. Broadly, the Pitt Disability Community has three main goals; be a voice, raise awareness, and create social connections.

This group will be a unified voice to the greater Pitt community on issues regarding disability. We will advocate for the needs of the disability community, furthering the University's goal of ensuring people with disabilities have a seat at the table.

The group will raise awareness of both disability in the workplace and the resources available to Pitt professionals with disabilities. Greater awareness of disabilities among Pitt’s professionals will have a two-fold benefit; those with disabilities will become aware of the resources available to them, and the greater Pitt community will learn how to support other professionals with disabilities.

Finally, the founders of this group will work to build community among people with disabilities.  We hope to become a resource and support system to one another. We want this community to create a culture where every Pitt faculty and staff member with a disability feels included and supported. 

This group and its events are open to everyone - having a disability is not required.  All events are currently hosted through Teams (request to join).